All About
Market Match
The newest tool in REGIS Online, it's designed to make decisions for commercial real estate brokers a breeze.
It All Started Out...
In early 2020 (long before I worked there!) Sites USA was approached by a data provider with an idea for a brand-new, innovative tool that could revolutionize the industry. It would be called "Site Signature".
Site Signature used a layer of uploaded sites to determine which ones were "good" or "bad" for expansion.
A dialog would pop up for each site, showing the "signature", either good or bad.
Each site had a report with the Signature, indicating which demographics it most closely aligned with.
Site Signature used a layer of uploaded sites to determine which ones were "good" or "bad" for expansion.
the original "Site Signature" designs
By utilizing a new type of demographic data and REGIS Online's GIS software, brokers and tenant reps would be able to determine their best-performing site's demographic "signature" in a stylish report.
After about a year and a half of design, research, and developing a mock-up, Site Signature was put on the back burner...
Then, I Got Started
Sites USA chose to re-visit the Site Signature designs
and bring the tool to our customers, for real this time.
But first, Research!
Based on internal research, we knew the concept of the tool was a bit complex to explain. I began researching similar methods of delivering complex data to people. Some of this research included:
Through research, I realized the "signature" in the report was too visually confusing and difficult to explain. The report also did not need to be the center of the tool, the map should be!
So, we renamed the tool "Site Score", based on the new concept.
And then, Design!
Now, with a basic understanding of this new type of demographic data
(called Demographic Dimensions) and a plan in place, I could begin wireframing:
Now, It's Market Match!
After a year of designing and developing, we eventually decided to name this new tool "Market Match" to better fit the tool's purpose.
Step 2 of the Market Match stepper requires users to rank their sites from highest performer to lowest performer, typically based on sales data.
In Market Match step 3, users select a demographic weight, and variables, depending on the preferences of the retailer they are studying.
Users can then view the demographic dimensions of their site, and see in which dimensions the retailer is average or falls short.
Step 2 of the Market Match stepper requires users to rank their sites from highest performer to lowest performer, typically based on sales data.